Aims and Objectives:

Examining the effect of afflicted planet Sun in an individual with autoimmune arthritis.
Materials and Methods: This is a Pilot study. Time of birth, date of birth and place of birth were collected from 90 patients who were diagnosed to be having autoimmune arthritis. For control group fifty healthy people’s data has been collected. After preparing their birth charts by using Parasara software version 7, afflictions to the Sun by Saturn, Rahu- Ketu axis and Venus have been calculated. Afflictions to the patients versus healthy people have been compared by using Pearson’s chisquare test.

Results: When we compared afflicted Sun of the patients versus healthy group, we got significant correlations ( p< 0.001). The odds ratio was found to be 5.5 explaining that people with afflicted Sun are 5.5 times more prone to develop auto immune arthritis than people with unafflicted Sun. In autoimmune arthritis patients afflictions to the Sun by Saturn and Rahu- Ketu axis are more common than afflictions by Venus.

Conclusion: People with afflicted Sun by Saturn and RKA, in a birth chart are more prone to develop auto immune arthritis due to impaired digestion.

Author: Dr.Srilakshmi, Manoj, Dr.Gopi chellan, Dr.Sundaram, Dr.Harishkumar
Category: Rheumatology 

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